Sunday, March 12, 2017

Study tips

Well, this post aims to help you in studying. Hufff!! Big task guys😎
Since I believe that sharing is caring so I am sharing these tips with you because obviously I care about you.So cheesy right?hahaha. But truly writing I was very excited about this topic for the post.

Now before reading ahead be absolutely clear that these tips I am sharing are not pro- tips😆 but definitely helpful in your helpless times. I see students from 12th around me so much into study these days, gives me Goosebumps when I think about my time😮. Believe me it was one of the toughest times.And it has gone!

Alright fellas enough moving around the bush . Let's come to business. STUDY you go -

1) Find yourself a partner - Yes I know difficult to do. But if you find one, it can do wonders. Group study also works the same way because you discuss things and then end up memorizing them without even knowing. That's the best part of it .Now I wrote finding a partner because if you are lucky enough to find a group with same study motives , Grrrreaaaattt! Otherwise a good partner will suffice.

2)Keep your phone away - We always try to not use our phone while studying but the temptation is so strong .We can't help it. So instead my suggestion would be-"Keep the phone at an unreachable place". Sounds weird but can seriously help.

3)Start with something interesting to prep you up - Not for all homo-sapiens out there but for most, the initial hours when you start studying are the most difficult ones😂😂.So my suggestion, start with something simple, something that holds some interest and then go for the highest climb.

4)New stationary also works - Yes yes , as weird as it sounds! Good stationary can at least push you up to use them, indirectly pushing you to study. So take some pocket money from Mumma to buy yourself a new pen😋.

5)What kind are you? - There are three types of learners namely kinesthetic, visual and listener. Know your type and work accordingly. Kinesthetic ones can't sit still. They are in active habit of moving around with the book or studying while listening to music. Like one of my friend in school could not do Maths without music playing, weird but true. Visual learners learn better by diagrams, graphs and pictures. You got to do lot of writing and drawing if you fall in this category. Listeners learn by reciting out loud. Listening to an answer from your friend might also help.So introspect and know your type!

I can just hope this was helpful because in reality we know what happens!


  1. Haha you should've posted this 2 weeks earlier. But I'm gonna follow this for the next exams✌

  2. I gotta follow your 1st tip for sure and those initial hours of studying are truly a mess..Will try to follow all these tips👍👍

  3. Great work aish you should have posted it 2 weeks earlier :-P

  4. Really yaar the 3 category vali thing is soo true! New books too smell nice vaise :P

  5. This is quite good Aish. It, as practiced, is very much applicable.
    I'm looking forward for next post.
